Professionally Evil Insights

Welcome to the Professionally Evil Insights blog by Secure Ideas! In this digital playground, we unravel the complex world of information security with a touch of fun. Our expert-led content ranges from deep-dives into penetration testing to explorations of hardware hacking. Whether you're curious about Secure Ideas or passionate about cybersecurity, this blog is your quick, enlightening, and entertaining guide into the captivating world of information security.

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    Prompt Injection
    What is Prompt Injection? Prompt injection is an attack on AI systems in which an attacker is able to manipulate the behavior of a model by injecting a malicious prompt into the system. The OWASP LLM01 defines prompt injection as follows. “Prompt Injection Vulnerability occurs when an attacker ...
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    Using PETaaS to Lower Your Cyber Insurance Costs
    information security  |  cybersecurity  |  pentesting  |  cost  |  PETaaS  |  Cyber Insurance  |  Insurance
    Modern networks have more than their fair share of risks, with the most damaging often being data ...
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    Navigating Evolving Regulations: Staying Ahead of Change
    In today's rapidly expanding business world, the only constant seems to be change itself. One of ...
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    What happened to CVE-2022-23529? And what can we learn from it?
    If you saw the disclosure notice for the flaw CVE-2022-23529, it would have been presented as a ...
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    What are the key requirements of the GLBA Safeguards Rule?
    The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) contains the Safeguards Rule. This requires financial businesses ...
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    Application Security 202: Vulnerabilities Accepted
    vul·ner·a·bil·i·ty The quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or ...
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    Wild West Hackin Fest 2022: The Return
    Man, San Diego is beautiful. I don't know exactly why John Strand and Black Hills Information ...
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    Digging Between the Couch Cushions - CouchDB CVE-2021-38295 Breakdown
    Introduction In this blog post we’re going to take a look at the recent CouchDB vulnerability, ...
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