Professionally Evil Insights

Welcome to the Professionally Evil Insights blog by Secure Ideas! In this digital playground, we unravel the complex world of information security with a touch of fun. Our expert-led content ranges from deep-dives into penetration testing to explorations of hardware hacking. Whether you're curious about Secure Ideas or passionate about cybersecurity, this blog is your quick, enlightening, and entertaining guide into the captivating world of information security.

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    Twelve Days of ZAPmas - Day 10 - Manual Web App Testing Unproxied
    Most of the time, proxying the browser doesn’t present any sort of trouble. You should be able to ...
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    Twelve Days of ZAPmas - Day 9 - Automated Scanning and ATTACK mode
    application security  |  OWASP  |  automation  |  scanning
    Automated scanning against an application is useful. It’s a faster and less labor-intensive way to ...
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    Twelve Days of ZAPmas - Day 8 - Spidering
    Spidering is an automated process that recursively finds and follows all the navigation from an ...
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    Twelve Days of ZAPmas - Day 7 - API Testing with Postman and ZAP
    application security  |  OWASP  |  API
    If you’ve done any significant amount of API development, there’s a good chance you’ve used ...
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    Twelve Days of ZAPMAS - Day 6 - Passive Flaw Detection and Using the HUD
    One of the awesome things about a security-focused interception proxy like ZAP is its ability to ...
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    Twelve Days of ZAPmas - Day 5 - Scope and Contexts
    Normally I don’t like having my interception proxy hide out-of-scope traffic. Doing so creates a ...
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    Twelve Days of ZAPmas - Day 4 - Fuzzing for Injection
    I briefly introduced fuzzing earlier in the series, citing it as the second primitive upon which ...
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    Twelve Days of ZAPmas - Day 3 - CYA (Cover Your Auth)
    Access control is one of the crucial elements to application security. The vast majority of ...
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    Twelve Days of ZAPmas - Day 2 - The Edge of Tomorrow
    Day 2 - The Edge of Tomorrow - Replaying and Tampering with Requests Fuzzing and tampering are like ...
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    Twelve Days of ZAPmas - Day 1 - Setting Up ZAP
    This holiday season, I’m going to run down some of the ins and outs of working with OWASP Zed ...
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    Quick Bites Ep 6 - Good Hygiene is IMPORTANT, PEOPLE!
    Guidance  |  best practices  |  Quick Bites  |  Cyber  |  Hygiene  |  CIS Top 18  |  Blue Team
    So, I just missed a week of work because of the flu (it wasn’t COVID, I got tested). The flu SUCKS. ...
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