Professionally Evil Insights

Welcome to the Professionally Evil Insights blog by Secure Ideas! In this digital playground, we unravel the complex world of information security with a touch of fun. Our expert-led content ranges from deep-dives into penetration testing to explorations of hardware hacking. Whether you're curious about Secure Ideas or passionate about cybersecurity, this blog is your quick, enlightening, and entertaining guide into the captivating world of information security.

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    Mission Imfuzzable: How to Fuzz Web Apps you can't Intercept
    Introduction Fuzzing is a critical technique for finding vulnerabilities in web applications by ...
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    Webcast: Thrift Store Cracking Server: Popping Hashes Guide
    hardware  |  webcast  |  password  |  server builds  |  password cracking
    (image was generated by Stable Diffusion, and is not an accurate representation of our cracking ...
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    Taming the Enterprise AI Beast Webcast
    AI  |  webcast
    As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to become more and more integral to business operations, ...
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    12 Hacks of Christmas Day 12: Twelve Drummers Deleting Digital Clutter
    🎵 On the twelfth day, clear digital clutter with twelve drummers deleting. Regularly review and ...
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    12 Hacks of Christmas Day 11: Eleven Pipers Practicing Safe Browsing
    🎵 On the eleventh day, practice safe browsing with eleven pipers practicing. Be mindful of the ...
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    12 Hacks of Christmas Day 10: Ten Lords a-Cautious Shopping
    🎵 On the tenth day, be cautious when shopping with ten lords a-cautious shopping. Stick to ...
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    12 Hacks of Christmas Day 9: Nine Ladies Dancin' on Secured Networks
    🎵 On the ninth day, keep your network secure with nine ladies dancin'. Protect your Wi-Fi network ...
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    12 Hacks of Christmas Day 8: Eight Maids-a-Back-Up Singing
    🎵 On the eighth day, safeguard your data with eight maids-a-back-up singing. Regularly backup your ...
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    12 Hacks of Christmas Day 7: Seven Swans a-Encrypting
    🎵 On the seventh day, protect your data with seven swans encrypting. Encrypt sensitive ...
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    12 Hacks of Christmas Day 6: Six Geese-a-Layered Security
    🎵 On the sixth day, adopt six geese-a-layered security. Implement a multi-layered security ...
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