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    Do you offer discounts on security services and classes?
    We believe the first step in creating a secure state of mind is learning and sharing knowledge. But ...
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    How should I communicate a security incident?
    If you are in the unfortunate situation of having to disclose an information security breach to the ...
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    Can We See a Sample Report from a Penetration Test?
    If you are thinking about engaging a security consulting company, at some point you will probably ...
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    Can I set up days or times where the device won’t scan
    FAQ  |  SCOUT
    When subscribing to a Scout service at Secure Ideas, we request that you submit a Scout order ...
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    Why doesn't Secure Ideas offer Remediation?
    Remediation is the process of taking the necessary steps to address and secure areas of weakness ...
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    What tools are used when penetration testing a Web Application?
    Testing  |  FAQ
    Whether you are hiring a penetration testing company or building your own application security ...
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    How To Prepare for a Penetration Test
    Hiring a company to perform security testing often compared to hiring a software development firm. ...
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    Brass Tacks: Experts Endorse Frequent Vuln Assessments
    FAQ  |  Vulnerability
    When it comes to cybersecurity, one concept stands as a linchpin to safeguarding your ...
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    The Importance of Addressing Security
    Why do we need to worry about security when we’re not a target? This is a common question, ...
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    Why are Penetration Tests Expensive?
    If you are reading this, then I am guessing you are in the process of evaluating penetration ...
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    What's the Difference between Penetration Tests and Bug Bounties?
    Every day you hear about another breach or a vulnerability you should worry about. At the same ...
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